Saturday, October 6, 2012

Prevent Your FB Account from Public Searches

As soon as you create your facebook account,one most common and effective way to make your fb profile private is "make it not appear in public search results on facebook".

This means that, the people who are not your friends or you do not know them,will not be able to "see" your facebook profile,when they "facebook search" for user names like yours.

For example, suppose your facebook user name is "somex", and if someone searches for "somex" on facebook, then all the usernames/profiles/pages which contains the word "somex" will come as result. These all results are "public search results" means they are not secured well, and anyone can send them request after viewing them in the search result.

And if your profile is not secured well, and your privacy is basic, then your profile will also appear in those results,anyone can be able to send you "add friend" request.and if you are a "female" then,you will get about 10-20 friend requests daily,because strangers likes to become friend of a female.he he he.

So guys,if you want to make your fb profile somewhat private,then follow the simple steps given below:

Step1: login to your facebook account.

Step2: click the "" arrow located near "home" button.

Step3: a menu will appear,in that menu,click privacy settings.

Now you will be redirected to your privacy settings page.

Step4: on that page,click "how you connect" option there.

Step5: a popup will appear,containing different option that popup,make settings as given below:-

       1: who can look-up your profile by name?===========>friends.

     2: who can lookup using the email/phone address you provided? =>friends.

       3: who can send you friend request?=============>friends of friends.

       4: who can send you facebook messages?==========>friends.

As shown in image given below.

  Step6: Enjoy.

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