Sunday, September 30, 2012

what is BMIDE?

The Business Modeler IDE (Integrated Development Environment) is a tool for configuring and extending the data model of your Teamcenter installation. The data model objects define the objects and rules used in Teamcenter. 

Administrators and business analysts use the IDE to create new data model objects such as:
          – Business objects (for example, items and datasets)
          – Properties
          – Lists of values (LOVs)
          – Rules

I can say that without BMIDE, Teamcenter may be dragged down. The Business Modeler IDE is built on top of the Eclipse platform. Eclipse is a generic platform for tool development that is extended using its plug-in and extension point technology.

BMIDE Interface

The Business Modeler IDE utilizes the Eclipse user interface, which is composed of perspectives, views, and editors. A perspective is an arrangement of views. A view is a tabbed window within the UI that provides a view of data. An editor is a window that allows you to edit source files. The user can rearrange the user interface in any configuration by dragging and dropping views and editors.

Wednesday, September 26, 2012

Teamcenter - What is the difference betweeen Precise & Imprecise assemblies?

If you work with BOMs in Teamcenter you have probably seen the terms Precise and Imprecise BOM structure. Even if you only use one type of BOM you need to understand the difference between them.

BOM View Revisions

In Teamcenter an assembly structure is represented by a BOM View. BOM Views are associated with Items, and each Item Revision will have it’s Revision of the BOM View — a BOM View Revision, or BVR.

The descriptions precise and imprecise apply to BOM view revisions. It is determined by an attribute of the BOM view revision business object.

What does Precise and Imprecise BOM Mean?

A BOM View Revision defines which components are used by a particular Item Revision. precise and imprecise describe what is meant by component. If a BVR is precise the components are item revisions; the BVR defines precisely which revision is used by the structure. If the assembly is imprecise the components are items; the BVR is not precise about the revision to which the assembly refers.

Why Precise Structures are Important?

When you release an assembly, releasing the precise structure preserves the record of exactly what it was that was developed, approved and released. It is an important historical artifact, particularly of the CAD data.

Why Imprecise Structures are not Important?

Imprecise Assemblies can be used in Industries where there is no concept of Revisions.

For Example:  In Retail Industry there will not be any concept of Revising the Assembly (ex: Shirt Assembly). They will save as and create a new Shirt for the next season. In those cases I think Imprecise Structure concept is apt.

Precise and Imprecise Assemblies

We start the examples with four component items with two revisions, 01 and 02, of each. Each revision may be Released, meaning it has a status, or working, meaning it has no status.
                                                                              Component Items

Next, we have two assemblies which both use these four components. The first, IMP-100, has an imprecise assembly structure, while the second, PRE-200, has a precise assembly structure.

Assembly with an Imprecise structure

* The imprecise assembly stores references to items not item revisions and they are dynamic.

Assembly with a Precise structure

* The precise assembly stores references to specific item revisions, not items. In this case it refers to revision 01 of each of its components. The precise assembly has static structure.

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Teamcenter - What is Sequence?

We use sequences if your business requires additional management of progress within revisions.
  • A sequence is an iteration of the object, complete with properties and relations. A sequence of a file is similar to a version of a file, but the sequence encompasses all information about the object.
  • A sequence is complete and represents a single point for the object as it is prepared for release. When you create an item revision, an initial sequence, to which Teamcenter assigns an initial sequence ID, is also created. This sequence becomes the active, or default, sequence.
  • Checkout actions increment the sequence ID for the item revision, with the most recent sequence ID becoming the default.
  • The default sequence is the only sequence you can check in and check out. Attempting to check out a non-default sequence results in an error.
  • Only one sequence can be active at any given time for an item revision.
  • A sequence does not track incremental changes.
  • Canceling a checkout decrements the sequence ID and discards any changes that have been saved to the database.

Sequence ID Display

Teamcenter displays the sequence ID appended to the item ID and revision, separated from the item revision by a semicolon (;). The sequence ID is followed by a hyphen (-) and the object name. 

For example, the third check-in for item revision 3540/A of part Bumper is displayed as follows:

     • By default, the system displays only the active sequence.
     • All sequences for an item revision can be found and displayed using a search query.

*Note:  The sequence IDs can be hidden from view by your site administrator.

Teamcenter - What is the difference between Item & Item revision in Teamcenter ?

Items and Item revisions

Items and item revisions are the fundamental data objects used to manage
information in Teamcenter.
  • Items are structures that are generally used to represent a product, part or component. Items can contain other data objects including other items and folders.
  • Item revisions are data objects used to manage revisions to items.
  • Each item revision has one or more associated sequence IDs. Checkout actions increment the sequence ID for the item revision, with the most recent sequence ID becoming the default.
Item : Represents parts and documents

When you create a new subclass of the Item business object or one of its children, the  following are automatically created: 

ItemMaster, ItemMasterS, ItemRevision, ItemRevisionMaster, ItemRevMasterS.

The same types of master forms are also created for all the children of the Item business object.

Teamcenter - What are Handlers?


Small ITK programs or functions. Handlers are the lowest-level building blocks in EPM. You use handlers to extend and customize tasks. 

The following is a list of the types of functions you can add to a task: 
  • Set protections
  • Assign reviewers
  • Demote a task
  • Perform a signoff
  • Change a status
There are two kinds of handlers:

Action handlers

Extend and customize task actions. Action handlers perform such actions as displaying information, retrieving the results of previous tasks (inherit), notifying users, setting object protections and launching applications.

Rule handlers

Integrate workflow business rules into EPM workflow processes at the task level. Rule handlers attach conditions to an action. Many conditions defined by a rule handler are binary (that is, they are either true or false). However, some conditions are neither true nor false. EPM allows two or more rule handlers to be combined using logical AND/OR conditions. When several rule handlers are combined using a logical OR condition, rule handler quorums specify the number of rule handlers that must return go for the action to complete.

Excel VBA - Programming

This section is for users who want to get the most out of Excel VBA. Excel VBA Programming is not difficult, but you do need to know the keywords used in Excel VBA.
  1. Variables: Excel VBA uses variables just like any other programming language. Learn how to declare and initialize an excel vba variable of type Integer, String, Double, Boolean and Date.
  2. String Manipulation: There are many functions in Excel VBA we can use to manipulate strings. In this chapter you can find a review of the most important functions.
  3. Calculate: Calculate with Excel VBA and add, subtract, multiply and divide values just like you are used to doing in Excel.
  4. If Then Statement: In many situations you only want Excel VBA to execute certain code lines when a specific condition is met. The If Then statement allows you to do this. Instead of multiple If Then statements, you can use Select Case.
  5. Cells: Instead of the more common Range object we could also use Cells. Using Cells is particularly useful when we want to loop through ranges.
  6. Loop: Looping is one of the most powerful programming techniques. A loop (or For Next loop) in Excel VBA enables you to loop through a range of data with just a few lines of code.
  7. Logical Operators: Do you want to execute code in Excel Visual Basic when more conditions are met? Or just one? Or none? Logical operators are what you need! Logical operators such as And, Or and Not are often used in Excel VBA.
  8. Range: The Range object which is the representation of a cell (or cells) on your worksheet is the most important object of Excel VBA. It has many properties and methods and they are essential to manipulate the content of your Excel worksheet. In this chapter you will discover the most useful properties and methods of the Excel VBA Range object. They enable you to obtain control over your Excel worksheet.
  9. Events: This chapter teaches you how to program workbook and worksheet events. Events are actions performed by users which trigger Excel VBA to execute a macro. For example, when you open a workbook or when you change something on an Excel worksheet, Excel VBA can automatically execute a macro.
  10. Array: An Excel VBA array is a group of variables. You can refer to a specific variable (element) of an array by using the array name and the index number.
  11. Date and Time: Dates and Times in Excel VBA can be manipulated in many ways. Easy examples are given in this chapter.
  12. Function and Sub: The difference between a function and a sub in Excel VBA is that a function can return a value and a sub cannot. In this chapter we will look at an easy example of a function and a sub. Functions and subs become very useful as program size increases.

Excel VBA - Application Object

The mother of all objects is Excel itself. We call it the Application object. The application object gives access to a lot of Excel related options.

Worksheet Function

You can access almost any Excel function through the Application object.

1. For example, place a command button on your worksheet and add the following code line:
Range("A3").Value = Application.WorksheetFunction.Average(Range("A1:A2"))

When you click the command button on the worksheet, Excel VBA calculates the average of the values in Cell A1 and Cell A2 and places the result into cell A3.


Note: instead of Application.WorksheetFunction.Average, you can also just use WorksheetFunction.Average.

There are many more worksheet functions you can use in Excel VBA. Want to see more?
1. Launch the Visual Basic Editor.
2. Type in: worksheetfunction.
3. A list will appear showing you all the worksheet functions available.
More Worksheet Functions

Excel VBA - Workbook and Worksheet

If you are not familiar with Objects, Properties and Methods yet, we highly recommend you to read this chapter first.

Object Hierarchy

Now that you have seen the Range object, you can understand the Workbook and Worksheet object better. In Excel Visual Basic each object can contain another object, and that object can contain another object, etc. In other words, Excel VBA programming involves working with an object hierarchy. This probably sounds quite confusing, but we will make it clear.
The mother of all objects is Excel itself. We call it the Application object. The application object contains other objects. An example of an object of the Application object is the Workbook object (Excel File). This can be any workbook you have created. The Workbook object contains other objects, such as the Worksheet object. The Worksheet object contains other objects, such as the Range object.

We have used the following code line a lot:

but what we really meant was cell A1 on the first worksheet of Book1. Thus we should actually add the following line in Excel VBA:


Fortunately we do not have to add a code line this way. This is because Excel Visual Basic knew we meant Book1 and the first worksheet because we placed our command button there (remember?). Now also remember the automatically created module when we recorded a macro with the Excel Macro Recorder. Code placed into a module is available to all workbooks and worksheets.

Place the Sub test into a module (In the Visual Basic Editor, click on Insert and then Module).

Sub test()

Range("A1").Value = "code placed here"

End Sub

1. Execute the code (Click on Macros and then Run, or click on Run from the Visual Basic Editor). The words "code placed here" will be placed into cell A1. No surprise.
2. Now go to the second worksheet. Execute the code again. You will see that the words will be placed on the second worksheet as well!
3. Now even open a new workbook and execute the macro again. You will see that the words will be placed there as well! That is because we didn't specify a workbook or worksheet name and Excel VBA automatically takes the active workbook and active worksheet. Be aware that if you want to change different things on different sheets to include the Worksheet object.

Properties and methods of the Workbook and Worksheet object

You may have noticed that worksheets and workbooks are both plural (see the complete code line mentioned earlier). That's because they are actually collections. The Workbooks collection contains all the Workbook objects that are currently open. The Worksheets collection contains all the Worksheet objects in a workbook.
You can refer to a member of the collection, that is: a single workbook or single worksheet, in two ways. Using the index number, Worksheets(1) is the first worksheet starting from the left. Using the member's name: Worksheets("sheet1").
It probably doesn't surprise you that the collections and the members of the collections have properties and methods as well. Here are some examples.
1. The Count property of the Worksheets collection and Workbooks collection. The following code line counts the number of worksheets of a workbook. Place a command button on your worksheet and add the code line:

MsgBox Worksheets.Count

Result when you click the command button on the sheet:
Worksheets Count Property Result

You can also use the Count property to count the number of active workbooks.
2. The Add method of the Workbooks collection and Worksheets collection. The following code line creates a new worksheet.

You can also use the Add method to add a new workbook.
3. The Worksheet object contains more interesting collections, such as the Rows collection. In Excel VBA you can use the Select method to select a row. The code line below selects row 2.

In a similar way, you can select a column. The code line below selects column 7.

Excel VBA - Debug Macros

You may have heard of the technique called debugging before. With this technique you can find errors in yourExcel VBA code before you execute the code. To show you how to debug a macro, execute the following steps.

1. Launch the Visual Basic Editor.
2. Create the following incorrect macro:

Create a Macro Error

2. Place your cursor before Private.
3. There are two ways to debug a macro. Either press F8 or choose Debug from the Menu and then Step Into. Debug your macro. The first line will turn yellow.

Debug the Code

4. Press F8 again. The second code line will turn yellow. As long as the debugger thinks everything is okay, nothing will happen.
5. Press F8 twice. The following error will show up.

A Run-time error

6. It says that the object doesn't support the property or method. The Range object has a property called Value. Value isn't spelled correctly here, so the debugger doesn't recognize the property. More about objects, properties and methods in the Object, Properties and Methods chapter. You may find debugging a lot of work at this stage, but it will definitely pay off once your programs become more complicated.

Excel VBA - Objects, Properties & Methods

In Excel VBA, objects, properties and methods are connected with a dot. Properties are something which an object has (they describe the object), while methods do something (they perform an action with an object).

Excel VBA Property

Let's take a look at an Excel VBA object and an Excel VBA property. We will use the Range object and the Formula property. The Range object is nothing more than a cell (or cells) on your worksheet. We already know from Excel that a cell can contain a formula.

1. Place the value 10 into cell A1.
2. Create a command button.
3. Add the line:
Range("B1").Formula = Range("A1") * 2

4. Execute the macro. This macro places the formula into cell B1 and the result will be calculated (20).

Excel VBA Method

Now let's take a look at an Excel VBA object and an Excel VBA method. We will use the Range object again and the ClearContents method.
1. Place the value 10 into cell A1.
2. Create a command button.
3. Add the line:

4. Execute the macro. Cell A1 is now empty!
That's how easy object-oriented programming in Excel Visual Basic is!

See all the properties and methods of an object.

The Range object has many more properties and methods. Want to see more?
1. Launch the Visual Basic Editor.
2. Type in: Range.
3. A list will appear showing you all the Excel VBA methods and properties of the Range object. The fingers are the properties and the green boxes are the methods of the Range object.
All properties and methods of the Range object

Tuesday, September 25, 2012

Excel VBA - Macro Errors

Unfortunately, not everything goes right the first time. Excel VBA will sometimes give you a macro error saying that something isn't programmed correctly. There are too many Excel Visual Basic errors to explain them all at this stage. However, here is a good tip to deal with errors.

First, we want to create a macro error.
1. Place a command button on your worksheet and add the following incorrect code line:
MgBox "This is fun"

(instead of the correct line MsgBox "This is fun")
Create a Macro Error

2. Click the command button on the sheet.

Compile error

3. Click on OK.
4. Next, in the Visual Basic Editor, click on Reset to stop the debugger! (More about the debugger in the next chapter) Now change the code. Excel VBA has colored the word MgBox blue to indicate the macro error.

Stop the Debugger

Excel VBA - MsgBox

The Excel VBA MsgBox (message box) is a dialog box you can use in Excel VBA to display information to the users of your program. Below you can find three easy examples on how to create a MsgBox in Excel VBA.

1. To show a MsgBox with the message "This is fun", place a command button on your worksheet and simply add the following code line:
MsgBox "This is fun"

Result when you click the command button on the sheet:

Example of a Message Box

2. Now we try to create a little more advanced MsgBox.
Enter a random number into cell A1.
Instead of "This is Fun", add the following code line:
MsgBox "Entered value is " & Range("A1").Value

Result when you click the command button on the sheet:

More advanced MsgBox

We used the & operator to concatenate (join) two strings. Although Range("A1").value is not a string, it works here.

3. To start a new line in a message box, you can use vbNewLine. Add the following code line:
MsgBox "Line 1" & vbNewLine & "Line 2"

Result when you click the command button on the sheet:

MsgBox New Line

Excel VBA - Macro Comments

macro comment is a piece of text in a macro which will not be executed by Excel VBA. It is only there to provide you information about the macro. To let Excel VBA know that it is a comment, place an apostrophe at the start of the text. Execute the following steps to place a comment.
1. Launch the Visual Basic Editor.
2. Insert the line: 'Place the word Hello into cell A1' before the code line. After the line is inserted, Excel VBA colors the line green to indicate that it is a comment.

Macro Comment Example

It is good practice to use comments. Macro comments become more useful as as program size increases.

Excel VBA - Visual Basic Editor in Excel 2003

To launch the Visual Basic Editor in Excel 2003, click on View Code from the Control Toolbox (or press Alt+F11).

Launch the Visiual Basic Editor in Excel 2003

The Visual Basic Editor appears:

The Visual Basic Editor in Excel 2003

The window on the left with the names Sheet1, Sheet2 and Sheet3 in it is called the Project Explorer. If you can't see the Project Explorer, you can click on View and then Project Explorer. Most probably the Project Explorer will already appear as a column on the left side of the screen. If not, execute the following three steps to achieve this.
  1. Right click on the white part of the Project Explorer.
  2. Check Dockable (if not already done so).
  3. Click on Project - VBAProject and drag it to the left until your cursor (white arrow) touches the middle of the left side of the screen.

To add the Code window, simply click on one of the sheets. Maximize the Code window so it will cover the whole screen. Once this has been completed, the configuration should be consistent with the picture above. We think this is the best configuration of the Visual Basic Editor.

Excel VBA - Visual Basic Editor in Excel 2010 / 2007

To launch the Visual Basic Editor in Excel 2010 or Excel 2007, click on Visual Basic (or press Alt+F11).

Launch the Visual Basic Editor in Excel 2010 or Excel 2007

The Visual Basic Editor appears:

The Visual Basic Editor in Excel 2010 or Excel 2007

The left window with the sheet names in it is called the Project Explorer. If you can't see the Project Explorer, click on View and then Project Explorer. Most probably the Project Explorer will already appear as a column on the left side of the screen. If not, execute the following three steps to achieve this.
  1. Right click on the Project Explorer.
  2. Check Dockable (if necessary).
  3. Click on Project - VBAProject and drag the Project Explorer to the left side of the screen.

The Code window can be added by clicking on one of the sheet names. To cover the whole screen, you can maximize the Code Window. We think this is the best configuration of the Visual Basic Editor.

Excel VBA - Visual Basic Editor

Launching the Visual Basic Editor differs from one Excel version to another. Please choose your version.

Excel VBA - Macro Security in Excel 2003

Before you start, make sure that your macro security settings are set up correctly. It is not likely that nasty things will happen to your system, but there is a chance that a macro contains a virus.
1. Click on Tools, Macro, Security.

Set up the Macro Security Settings

2. Here you have four options. Very High will disable all macros, unless you've stored your macro in a specific trusted folder. High will only allow macros which are signed by an acknowledged trusted source. Medium will allow you to decide whether or not to run a macro. Low will enable all macros.

The Four Security Levels

My advice is to use the medium level if you are downloading a lot of Excel files from the internet. This security level allows you to disable the macro if you don't trust the owner of the Excel file. You can use the low level if you're only creating your own macros at the moment. With this security level you don't have to enable macros all the time.

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Excel VBA - Macro Security in Excel 2010 / 2007

To set up the macro security settings in Excel 2010 or Excel 2007, execute the following steps.
1. Click on Macro Security.

Macro Security in Excel 2010 or Excel 2007

2. Here you have four options. The first option will disable all macros. The second option will always ask you to enable a macro. The third option will only allow macros with a digital signature to run, and ask you to enable others. The fourth option will enable all macros.

Security level Options

My advice is to use the second security level if you are downloading a lot of Excel files from the internet. With this security level you can always disable the macro if you don't trust the owner of the Excel file. Use the fourth security level if you are a beginner and only typing your own macros at the moment. With this security level you don't have to enable macros all the time.

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Excel VBA - Macro Security

Macro Security

Setting up your macro security settings differs from one Excel version to another. Please choose your version.

Excel VBA - Basics

This section explains the basics of Excel Visual Basic. It is good to know the basic terminology explained in this section before you start programming in Excel Visual Basic.

Macro Security: Setting up your macro security settings correctly is essential to protect yourself against potential viruses. Make sure your macro security settings are set up correctly so no harm can be done to your computer.

Visual Basic Editor: Learn how to launch the Visual Basic Editor and get the best configuration of the Project Explorer and the Code Window in your Excel Version. The Visual Basic Editor is the starting point for creating macros in Excel VBA, so it is important to get this configuration right.

Macro Comments: Add macro comments to your Excel VBA code and your code will be easier to read as program size increases.

MsgBox: The Message Box is a dialog box you can have appear to inform the users of your program.

Macro Errors: Dealing with VBA-errors can be quite a challenge. This chapter provides you with a simple tip to deal with these errors.

Debug Macros: Before you execute your VBA-code you can first debug your macro. This way most of the errors can be corrected before you execute your code.

Objects, Properties and Methods: In this chapter you will learn more about Excel VBA objects. An object has properties and methods. Excel Visual Basic is a semi-object oriented programming language. Learn more about the object hierarchy of Excel Visual Basic.

Workbook and Worksheet: In this chapter you will learn more about the Excel VBA Workbook and Excel VBA Worksheet object. You will see that the Worksheet and Workbook object have properties and methods as well, such as the count property which counts the number of active workbooks or worksheets. The Workbook and Worksheet object are commonly used in Excel VBA. They are very useful when your macro code has to be executed on different workbooks or worksheets.

Application Object: The mother of all objects is Excel itself. We call it the Application object. The application object gives access to a lot of Excel related options.

Excel VBA - Create a Macro in Excel 2003

Activate the Control Toolbox

In order to use Excel VBA in Excel 2003, you have to activate the Control Toolbox.
1. Click on View, Toolbars, Control Toolbox.

Activate the Control Toolbox in Excel 2003

2. You can integrate the Control Toolbox if you want by simply dragging it into your menu.

Integrate the Control Toolbox

Create a Command Button

1. Click on Command Button from the Control Toolbox.

Click on Command Button

2. Now you can drag a command button on your worksheet.

Create and Assign the Macro

Now it is time to create a macro and assign it to the command button.
1. Right click on CommandButton1.
2. Click on View Code.

Right Click and then click on View Code

3. The Visual Basic Editor appears. Place you cursor between 'Private Sub CommandButton1_Click()' and 'End Sub'.
4. Add the line:
Range("A1").Value = "Hello"

The Visual Basic Editor in Excel 2003

5. Close the Visual Basic Editor.
6. Before you click on the command button, make sure Design Mode (most left field of the Control Toolbox) is deselected. You can do this by clicking on Design Mode again.
7. Click on CommandButton1.

First Macro Result

Well done! You've just created a macro in Excel VBA!
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