Wednesday, July 17, 2013

Teamcenter 9.1: BMIDE Error - There is no encoding loaded to validate the localization

If TC_ROOT environment variable is not configured properly, and BMIDE may cause this kind of localization validation error while creating any custom object.


          Change environmental variable "TC_ROOT" value to the TC installed path.'

  1. BMIDE gets the path of l10n_cots folder using $TC_ROOT\l10n_cots. 
  2. From TC_ROOT\l10n_cots, localization queries are executed from the xml files.
  3. New custom objects will be added to projectname_template_en_US.xml present in projectfolder\extensions\lang.

So when it tries to write to that projectname_template_en_US.xml, if TC_ROOT is not configured properly to the teamcenter installation location. This error(BMIDE - There is no encoding loaded to validate the localization) may occur.  

Thursday, July 11, 2013

Teamcenter: Can a Business Object has Two Different TAG Values ?

If you think a business object can only have one tag value, then you have to look into this.

While creation, every business object will be assigned to a tag value in DB, in other words we call it as a UID value.

But at one state this Axiom can be proved wrong. 

At the time of check-out, a duplicate object will be created with the same data in the database. After check-in the duplicated object will be deleted.

So, we can say that at the time of check-out, a business object with same id or name or blah ..blah ...blah can have two different tag values although they look same virtually. :)

Check the below screenshot in which MCO-000006 object has two different tag values.

Monday, July 8, 2013

Deploying 8.3 template in 9.1

Instructions to deploy a 8.3 template in 9.1:

While deploying 8.3 template, firstly import that template into 9.1 BMIDE and correct the schema changes affected for 9.1. For more details, Schema Changes in Teamcenter 9.1 and Teamcenter 8.3.

After the respective changes have been implemented, reload the data model and package extensions to generate a feature XML file.

After packaging the template extensions, go to the packaged file location.

Replace feature_spinnker.xml from 8.3 in 9.1.

Launch TEM and provide the replaced template.

Note: While deploying provide template extensions which are from 9.1 but feature_(projectname).xml file should be 8.3 version. If you provide new version(9.1) of feature xml then TEM will not proceed for deployment.

Thursday, July 4, 2013

Solution: Teamcenter 9.1 deployment Issue "CreI Error"

CreI aka CreateInput Class:

While creation of each item type, a CreI class of that respective item is created which stores under a CreI POM class.

From TC 9.1 this CreI has been removed. So while deploying 8.3 templates in 9.1 you may encounter an issue related to this "CreI".


1. Write an XML containing <Delete> element to delete particular attribute from your 8.3 template.

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
Copyright 2009.
Siemens Product Lifecycle Management Software Inc.
All Rights Reserved.
<TcBusinessData xmlns=""
    Date="Wed Jun 19 09:52:09 AM 2013" TcVersion="">
   <OperationInputType artifactName="E3AATestCreFormCreI" description="" isAbstract="false" parentTypeName="FormCreI" typeClassName="E3AATestCreFormCreI" typeName="E3AATestCreFormCreI">
     <OperationInputProperty compoundObjectConstant="" compoundObjectType="" description="" fieldType="SimpleProperty" propName="e3CompletionDate"/>
     <OperationInputProperty compoundObjectConstant="" compoundObjectType="" description="" fieldType="SimpleProperty" propName="e3NoOfSamples"/>
     <OperationInputProperty compoundObjectConstant="" compoundObjectType="" description="" fieldType="SimpleProperty" propName="e3TestDoneBy"/>

2. Run "business_model_updater.bat" by providing the xml created as input.

business_model_updater -u=infodba -p=infodba -g=dba -mode=upgrade -update=all -process=all -file=C:\TcUpgradeFixes\fix.xml -log=C:\TcUpgradeFixes\bmideupd1.log