Wednesday, September 26, 2012

Teamcenter - What is Sequence?

We use sequences if your business requires additional management of progress within revisions.
  • A sequence is an iteration of the object, complete with properties and relations. A sequence of a file is similar to a version of a file, but the sequence encompasses all information about the object.
  • A sequence is complete and represents a single point for the object as it is prepared for release. When you create an item revision, an initial sequence, to which Teamcenter assigns an initial sequence ID, is also created. This sequence becomes the active, or default, sequence.
  • Checkout actions increment the sequence ID for the item revision, with the most recent sequence ID becoming the default.
  • The default sequence is the only sequence you can check in and check out. Attempting to check out a non-default sequence results in an error.
  • Only one sequence can be active at any given time for an item revision.
  • A sequence does not track incremental changes.
  • Canceling a checkout decrements the sequence ID and discards any changes that have been saved to the database.

Sequence ID Display

Teamcenter displays the sequence ID appended to the item ID and revision, separated from the item revision by a semicolon (;). The sequence ID is followed by a hyphen (-) and the object name. 

For example, the third check-in for item revision 3540/A of part Bumper is displayed as follows:

     • By default, the system displays only the active sequence.
     • All sequences for an item revision can be found and displayed using a search query.

*Note:  The sequence IDs can be hidden from view by your site administrator.

1 comment:

  1. When you have CAD dataset Version number in Teamcenter, i don'T understand the need of sequence number.
