Monday, October 7, 2013

Teamcenter: ITK BOM Clone Trick

I have searched this API usage in GTAC and the result was none. After writing many lines of code, found that one single API can rule out the change.
(Sometimes SMALL things can do BIG).
int Clone_init()
    tag_t tItem         = NULLTAG;
    tag_t tItemRev      = NULLTAG;
    tag_t tBomWindow    = NULLTAG;
    tag_t tBomLine      = NULLTAG;
    tag_t tNewProd      = NULLTAG;
    tag_t tRevRuleTag   = NULLTAG;
    //top line item holding the whole structure
    tItem = ITEM_find_item("000236");
    tItemRev = ITEM_find_rev("000236","A");
    ITK_CALL( BOM_create_window ( &tBomWindow ) );
    ITK_CALL ( BOM_set_window_pack_all (tBomWindow, true));
    ITK_CALL ( CFM_find ("Latest Working", &tRevRuleTag ));
    ITK_CALL ( BOM_set_window_config_rule (tBomWindow, tRevRuleTag ));
    ITK_CALL( BOM_set_window_top_line ( tBomWindow, tItem, tItemRev, NULLTAG, &tBomLine ));
    //This API is similar to File->New->Item from Template option.
    ITK_CALL( ME_create_product_from_template( "","A","Test Name","Test Desc",tItemRev,tRevRuleTag,tBomWindow,"Product.Template.Cloning",&tNewProd ));
    return 0;


Friday, September 13, 2013

Teamcenter: "ITK_internal_error: Unclassified error/exception"

Symptom: Unable to login to Teamcenter Rich Client.

ITK_internal_error: Unclassified error/exception. See system log file for possible explanation.

CAUSE: This error usually occur when connected to VPN.


  1.The oracle listener was not running.

  2.In this case, on the Windows server, in the Services window,
    the administrator had to restart the oracle listener service

  3.Restart Oracle Listener.
  4.If restart listener doesn't work, 
          i.   Delete listener
          iii. Goto cmd -> sqlplus infodba/infodba@DBNAME
          ii.  Create listener
          iv.  shutdown immediate
          v.   startup mount

Saturday, August 3, 2013

Teamcenter 9.1: Compiling Issues

------ Build started: Project: Phi4_BOMExport, Configuration: Debug Win32 ------
cl : Command line warning D9035 : option 'Wp64' has been deprecated and will be removed in a future release
C:\Program Files\Siemens\TC9\Teamcenter9\lib\itk_main.obj : fatal error LNK1112: module machine type 'x64' conflicts with target machine type 'X86'
Build log was saved at "file://c:\Users\Admin\Desktop\Bom List all child\Phi4_BOMExport\Phi4_BOMExport\Debug\BuildLog.htm"
Phi4_BOMExport - 1 error(s), 1 warning(s)
========== Build: 0 succeeded, 1 failed, 0 up-to-date, 0 skipped ==========

Teamcenter 9.1: Can not Compile and Link in (64bit version)

  • I was trying to build using Teamcenter 9.1 libraries. So I encountered linking errors. I searched GTAC and I found the following PR which has no solution. 
  • I have found a solution for this PR.
  • Symptom
  • Problem/Questions/Request:Problem When compile error is occur to build in the "-64bit" option of Tc9.1 (64bit version). This message is displayed when you compile.
  • fatal error C1189: #error : Sorry, you have to change unidefs.h to make this work on this machine.
  • Therefore, result of changing the "unidefs.h", was able to compile. However, link error occurs. sample.obj: error LNK2019: External symbol "__imp__ITEM_find_item" unresolved was referenced in function "_sample_validate_item_rev_id" sample.obj: error LNK2019: External symbol "__imp__CUSTOM_register_exit" unresolved was referenced in function "_sample_register_callbacks" sample.dll: LNK1120 fatal error: external reference 2 is unresolved.
  • Solution:
  • 1. Install X64 bit compilers in visual studio.
  • 2. Restart your machine.
  • 3. open TC command prompt and go to MSDEV_HOME.
  • 4. Type this: call vcvarsall amd64
  • 5. compile using compile.bat.
  • More Details: click here.
  • Wednesday, July 17, 2013

    Teamcenter 9.1: BMIDE Error - There is no encoding loaded to validate the localization

    If TC_ROOT environment variable is not configured properly, and BMIDE may cause this kind of localization validation error while creating any custom object.


              Change environmental variable "TC_ROOT" value to the TC installed path.'

    1. BMIDE gets the path of l10n_cots folder using $TC_ROOT\l10n_cots. 
    2. From TC_ROOT\l10n_cots, localization queries are executed from the xml files.
    3. New custom objects will be added to projectname_template_en_US.xml present in projectfolder\extensions\lang.

    So when it tries to write to that projectname_template_en_US.xml, if TC_ROOT is not configured properly to the teamcenter installation location. This error(BMIDE - There is no encoding loaded to validate the localization) may occur.  

    Thursday, July 11, 2013

    Teamcenter: Can a Business Object has Two Different TAG Values ?

    If you think a business object can only have one tag value, then you have to look into this.

    While creation, every business object will be assigned to a tag value in DB, in other words we call it as a UID value.

    But at one state this Axiom can be proved wrong. 

    At the time of check-out, a duplicate object will be created with the same data in the database. After check-in the duplicated object will be deleted.

    So, we can say that at the time of check-out, a business object with same id or name or blah ..blah ...blah can have two different tag values although they look same virtually. :)

    Check the below screenshot in which MCO-000006 object has two different tag values.

    Monday, July 8, 2013

    Deploying 8.3 template in 9.1

    Instructions to deploy a 8.3 template in 9.1:

    While deploying 8.3 template, firstly import that template into 9.1 BMIDE and correct the schema changes affected for 9.1. For more details, Schema Changes in Teamcenter 9.1 and Teamcenter 8.3.

    After the respective changes have been implemented, reload the data model and package extensions to generate a feature XML file.

    After packaging the template extensions, go to the packaged file location.

    Replace feature_spinnker.xml from 8.3 in 9.1.

    Launch TEM and provide the replaced template.

    Note: While deploying provide template extensions which are from 9.1 but feature_(projectname).xml file should be 8.3 version. If you provide new version(9.1) of feature xml then TEM will not proceed for deployment.

    Thursday, July 4, 2013

    Solution: Teamcenter 9.1 deployment Issue "CreI Error"

    CreI aka CreateInput Class:

    While creation of each item type, a CreI class of that respective item is created which stores under a CreI POM class.

    From TC 9.1 this CreI has been removed. So while deploying 8.3 templates in 9.1 you may encounter an issue related to this "CreI".


    1. Write an XML containing <Delete> element to delete particular attribute from your 8.3 template.

    <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
    Copyright 2009.
    Siemens Product Lifecycle Management Software Inc.
    All Rights Reserved.
    <TcBusinessData xmlns=""
        Date="Wed Jun 19 09:52:09 AM 2013" TcVersion="">
       <OperationInputType artifactName="E3AATestCreFormCreI" description="" isAbstract="false" parentTypeName="FormCreI" typeClassName="E3AATestCreFormCreI" typeName="E3AATestCreFormCreI">
         <OperationInputProperty compoundObjectConstant="" compoundObjectType="" description="" fieldType="SimpleProperty" propName="e3CompletionDate"/>
         <OperationInputProperty compoundObjectConstant="" compoundObjectType="" description="" fieldType="SimpleProperty" propName="e3NoOfSamples"/>
         <OperationInputProperty compoundObjectConstant="" compoundObjectType="" description="" fieldType="SimpleProperty" propName="e3TestDoneBy"/>

    2. Run "business_model_updater.bat" by providing the xml created as input.

    business_model_updater -u=infodba -p=infodba -g=dba -mode=upgrade -update=all -process=all -file=C:\TcUpgradeFixes\fix.xml -log=C:\TcUpgradeFixes\bmideupd1.log

    Tuesday, June 18, 2013

    How to share Internet from your laptop to smartphone

    Many smartphones or other devices do not support the same network configuration that is easily shared from laptop to laptop.
    This guide can show you a free way to share your network connection with these devices without also needing to install any third-party software on Windows Vista or 7 (though it's possible on XP too). Keep in mind that this works best when your laptop is connected via a cable. Ultimately, this method is ideal for sharing the Internet connection in a hotel room (many rooms have only one ethernet cable) from your laptop to other devices.
    All you'll need in advance, besides a working network connection, is an up-to-date version of the Java Runtime Environment installed. You can check whether you have JRE, or even get the latest version here
    (Credit: Screenshot by Nicole Cozma)
    Step 1: Open your browser of choice and navigate to Note that this page will need to remain open as long as you want to share your connection.
    (Credit: Screenshot by Nicole Cozma)
    Step 2: Once the page is loaded, a small window will open asking for permission to run an app. This is normal, and you'll need to grant it permission to run.
    (Credit: Screenshot by Nicole Cozma)
    Step 3: Enter the name for your access point, as well as the desired security key. Click on Turn On Soft AP to create your access point.
    (Credit: Screenshot by Nicole Cozma)
    Step 4: Right-click on the network icon in your System Tray. Click Open Network and Sharing Center.
    (Credit: Screenshot by Nicole Cozma)
    Step 5: A new network will appear in your list of active networks with the name you chose in Step 3. Click on the link next to Connections.
    (Credit: Screenshot by Nicole Cozma)
    Step 6: Click Properties in the window that appears.
    (Credit: Screenshot by Nicole Cozma)
    Step 7: Click on the Sharing tab and check the box labeled Allow other network users to connect through this computer's Internet connection. Select Local Area Connection from the drop down box and click OK.
    You should be able to connect to this new access point with just about any device that supports wireless. Once you're done with the connection, simply press the Turn Off Soft AP button on the VirtualAccessPoint page.

    Schema Changes in Teamcenter 9.1 and Teamcenter 8.3

    I found the following schema changes for DeepCopyRule and GRMRule.

    1. Changed relationTypeName with relRefPropName
    2. Added propertyType="Relation"
    1. Changed relRefPropName with relationTypeName


               relRefPropName = "IMAN_specification" 
               objectTypeName = "Item Master"
               secured="true" copyRelationAttributes="true"
               isRequired="true" description=""

               primaryCardinality="-1" secondaryCardinality="-1" secured="false"  
               changeability="Changeable" detachability="Unrestricted"    

              copyType="NoCopy" isTargetPrimary="true" secured="true"     
              isRequired="false" description=""

              primaryCardinality="1" secondaryCardinality="-1" secured="false"    
              changeability="Changeable" detachability="WriteAccessReq"   

    Wednesday, June 12, 2013

    Easily Share Files Between your Mobile Phones and Computers

    Your digital data – like files, photos, documents, music, ebooks and videos – is spread across a range of devices including your mobile phone, the tablet and your computer(s).
    How do you easily transfer a file from the Android phone to your iPad? Or how do you copy-paste that long snippet of text from the computer to your iPhone? The following guide discusses apps, both web-based and mobile apps, that will help you exchanges files and everything else between your desktop computer and mobile devices easily and quickly.
    The popular and most obvious solution for sharing files across devices is email. Send a file to yourself from one device and then download that email attachment on the other device. Alternatively, you may use file storage services like Dropbox, Google Drive or SkyDrive (readcomparison) to transfer files from one device to another via the cloud.
    Then there are web-based apps to help you move files between your computers and phones without any software. There’s where you can upload files from the browser and download them on any other device. JustBeamIt is another web-based file transfer service where there are no limits as the file content is streamed directly from the source to the destination and not stored on third-party servers.
    Google Keep is my favorite service for transferring text snippets from one device to another. You can write, or paste, text inside Keep and it instantly becomes available on all the other devices. Keep is web-based but they also have an Android app. I use Google Keep for transferring URLs from the desktop to mobile browser and also passwords that are too long and complex for typing on the mobile keyboard. Hopper and MoPad are other good web-based alternatives that can again be used for sending links and text snippets across devices.
    If you are an Android user, AirDroid is probably the only app you’ll ever need for moving files in and out of your phone. Once you launch AirDroid, you can easily download (and upload) files and folders from the phone to your computer wirelessly via the web browser. The only restriction is that your phone and computer should be part of the same Wi-Fi network.
    Mac OS users can consider installing Droid NAS, an app that will make your Android phone /tablet appear in Finder and you can then easily browse or transfer files over Wi-Fi.
    SuperBeam is another useful app for transferring files between Android devices. Select one or more files inside any file manager app and choose SuperBeam from the Android sharing menu. It will generate a QR code that you can scan with SuperBeam on your other device and the file transfer will happen automatically. If the two Android devices are not connected to the same Wi-Fi network, SuperBeam will transfer files using Wi-Fi Direct mode.
    Unlike Android, Apple does not provide access to the iOS file system except for the media gallery. You can use the excellent Documents app to transfer documents, photos and other files from the computer to your iPad and iPhone over the Wi-Fi network. The Documents app can be mounted as a network drive on your computer and files can be moved across iOS devices via drag-n-drop. The app also has a built-in browser to help you download and store web files including file types that aren’t supported by the default Safari browser.
    iOS doesn’t support Bluetooth based file transfer so if you are to transfer photos or videos from the camera roll of your iPhone to an iPad, Dropbox is probably a good choice. For single files, web apps like and are perfect for the job.
    Mobile apps like Bump and Hoccer that let you exchange files between Android and iOS devices, or between your computer and your mobile device, with simple gestures.
    In the case of Bump, select a file on your mobile phone, tap the space bar of your computer with the phone and the file will instantly become available in the computer’s browser. For Hoccer, you can place your two phones side by side and drag a picture from one phone to another. If you have never tried these apps before, they’ll simply amaze you.

    Easily Find the Serial Number of your Computer

    You’ve got a problem with your computer, you call their technical support team and the person on the other side requires the machine’s serial number (also known as the Service Tag) before he can even log your request.
    dell service tagIf you using a laptop computer, you can easily find the service tag by turning the machine upside but for desktops, especially the older models, the sticker that holds the service tag is often placed at a more harder-to-reach location.
    There’s a alternate way to find the computer’s serial number without you having to slide beneath the table.
    Open the command prompt (Start – > CMD) and type the following command:
    wmic bios get serialnumber
    Another command that will also print the model number (or make) of your computer is:
    wmic csproduct get name, identifyingnumber 
    The system model number can also be found using the System Information program available under All Programs – > Accessories – > System Tools.
    The above commands should work on Windows 7, XP and Windows XP Pro machine as wmic.exe didn’t ship with the previous editions of Windows.

    Wednesday, April 10, 2013

    Convert your TV into an Android tablet

    Today,I came across an exciting issue that converts your old TV into an Android Tablet.The Heading itself looks enormous.
    You Should not have to touch any hardware.It's really very EASY.
    Let go it through:-

    Convert your TV into an Android tablet

    There are a lot of options that convert your TV into an Android device without the need to change anything inside the TV. Here are the options available in India.

    We have had a wave of low cost tablet PCs and Android smartphones, now it seems that the time for micro PCs based on Android is coming up. These devices use a TV screen or computer monitor as display. The pricing currently starts at $48 (Rs 2,500) but unfortunately the prices in India are still very high.

    We hope that Indian brands will soon bring these mini PCs to India at an affordable price, just the way they did with smartphones and tablets. In the meanwhile you can have a look at some of the devices that you can get shipped through eBay (apart from the three devices sold in India officially). You can also ask your friends abroad to help you get these.

    Razor Bee (Rs 2,999)
    The Razor Bee smartTV upgrader is a box shaped device that is based on Android 2.2, and comes with an ARM Cortex A8 processor and 256 MB RAM. This product is being sold by a Hyderabad based manufacturer.
    It comes with a touchpad based remote, allows web browsing, Youtube video playback, quick and TV-friendly search, and plays media from USB or SD cards.
    Convert your TV into an Android tablet
    It comes with DLNA player that allows DLNA enabled mobile phones, tablets or PCs to push music, photo and videos to the TV.
    On the down side the box doesn't have WiFi connectivity, though you can attach a WiFi router. It comes with two USB ports that can be used to attach a webcam, keyboard etc. However, it doesn't support 3G dongles. The connectivity is through an RJ45 jack for internet. It also has a 3.5 mm jack for a mic and headphone.
    The box is priced at Rs 2,999 and some of the sites are offering basic mobile phones free from Micromax and Olive. Only three months warranty is offered for this box.
    Google TV Cloud Stick (Rs 5,045)
    This is a very neat pen drive shaped device that you can plug into the TV's HDMI port (in case your TV doesn't have an HDMI port, this is not for you); and here you go, your TV starts running Android 4.0 with full access to Google Play store. You can even stream video from your PC over WiFi.
    The dongle gets 4 GB internal storage. Unfortunately there is no external storage option. For attaching a keyboard or mouse you have a full USB port. There is no battery in the device and therefore you will have to keep the charger attached all the time, but then that's alright since it's not a mobile device anyway.
    Hacker's Act.
    Convert your TV into an Android tablet
    This cloud stick supports full HD playback and almost all the popular file types. It also supports cloud storage like Dropbox and streaming of media.
    In terms of hardware you get a 1 GHz processor, 512 MB RAM, and 4 GB memory. There is no keyboard or mouse in the box. Though it is a very useful device, unfortunately it is costly due to it being imported by the seller. Otherwise, it is a $48 (Rs 2,500) device only.
    Portronics Limebox smart (Rs 6,999)
    This smartTv box comes with full one year warranty and is based on Android 2.3. It has a 1.2 GHz processor, 512 MB RAM, 4 GB internal memory and up to 32 GB through SD card. You also get WiFi support and an RJ45 jack for internet connectivity.
    In terms of ports you get two USB, 1 HDMI, and three audio out jacks (you can therefore connect 5.1 speaker systems). You can also attach a USB pen drive, or hard disk for storage.
    Convert your TV into an Android tablet
    Because it's meant to be used with your TV or any other large monitor, the UI has been greatly modified from the stock Android interface. There's no lock screen, menu screen, multiple home screens or any of that - just one simple screen with folders. There's media, internet TV, browser, game, apps and settings on the front screen with each of them housing their respective widgets.
    Limebox comes in white and lime colour combinations and is a good looking piece of hardware. It is a good buy considering that it comes with full warranty. However, we think it is overpriced at Rs 7,000, given that similarly specced tablets are priced at the same level and additionally get battery and a screen, both of which are among the costliest components of the tablet. But if you really want it to be attached to the TV all the time, it is better than a laptop attached using an HDMI cable provided that you get a user interface designed for TVs, and also many ports which are not there in any tablet (like the RJ45 port which allows you to connect wired broadband).
    Internet TV Box (Rs 4,490)
    This internet TV box being sold on eBay comes with a 1.2 GHz processor coupled with 3D GPU and 512 MB DDRIII RAM. It is based on Android 2.3.
    You get 4 GB internal storage, WiFi support, infrared remote (though you will need a keyboard for typing,) and also Bluetooth (which can be used for a wireless keyboard and mouse).
    Convert your TV into an Android tablet
    In terms of connection you get a USB port (which you can use for storage), an SD card slot, and stereo audio output jacks.
    The box supports all major audio and video file types, and also Adobe Flash. The internet TV box comes with 1 year seller warranty and, at Rs 4,490, is the cheapest after Razor Bee.
    Amkette EvoTV (Rs 9,999)
    This is the costliest smart TV box here and is made by Amkette, which was market leader of floppy drives (now floppy drives don't exist). The box is based on a modified version of Android 2.3 OS and comes with an Arm Cortex A9 processor coupled with Mali 400 GPU
    Convert your TV into an Android tablet
    It supports a USB keyboard, mouse, webcam and 3G dongle, and comes with an Evo Touch (wireless) remote, which works in the range of 10 meters and doubles up as a mouse so that moving the remote moves the cursor. There is also an Evo Touch function for on-screen control that offers motion sensors for games. The device has an inbuilt microphone for video conferencing and voice commands, and the remote works using universal remote functions for standard TV controls. There is also a 700 mAh battery for power backup.
    Convert your TV into an Android tablet
    In terms of features the box is great but then Rs 9,999 doesn't really justify the purpose that it serves. The box comes with a 1 year warranty.

    Tuesday, April 9, 2013

    Quick Way to Add Custom Icons to Teamcenter Business Objects

    I was planning on posting set of instructions on “how to set up eclipse to create plug-ins” then “how to create a plug-in to add custom icon to business object” then “how to deploy that plug-in via OTW” thne I was going to show how to do it the quick and easy way.  While I still am planning on providing this set of instructions, today I will show the “quick and dirty” way.  You may want to do it the quick and easy way first in a test/development environment anyway.   This way may not be the ideal way for production where you have to push this out to many users.  So this quick and dirty way should only be used to where you only have just a few deployments and just want to test things out and see how every thing looks before going through the hassle of creating a plug-in and deploying to the masses.  Although once you have the plug-in created and set up making changes or adding icons is a cinch.
    1. Create Business object (If not OOTB)
    2. Create custom icon
    3. Create image directory and put in custom icon
    4. Create files
    Create Business object - I am not going to go through this here and I will be just creating a custom icon for the OOTB Item.
    Create custom icon - I am not going through these steps either.  I will assume you can come up with your own icon just be sure it is a .png or .jpg format.
    Create image directory and put in custom icon -  Create a folder called images in $TCInstall\portal\plugins\configuration_2007.1.0\ then copy any icons on this folder.
    Create files - Create a text file and put this into $TCInstall\portal\plugins\configuration_2007.1.0\.  See below for an example.

    Workflow Template Filter

    There are times when you may want to control who can kick off certain workflows or you only want certain workflows from being kicked of on certain objects.   In my case we only wanted the revision of a certain Item to be processed in a workflow we kept having users accidently kick of a workflow on the master item.  We also only want certain groups to kick off certain workflows.  The solution to both these issues is with “Template filters”.  In fact if you want to one you must do the other.  Once you turn this on you must configure who kicks off what workflows and what object the workflows can use.
    In Workflow Designer got Edit > Template Filter which opens up the “Process Template Filter Dialog”.  Once the dialog is open select which group you want to allow to kick of a workflow then the Object type and then what workflows this group and Object are allowed to process.

    By default Teamcenter will allow any object to be submitted to any workflow by anyone.  Once you have the Template filters set up, you need to set the CR_allow_alternate_procedures preference.  By default this is set to all for the entire site.  You will want to set this to a value of none.
    If you set the site preference to none, it will apply to all users in every group.  If you wish certain groups to use template filters, and certain groups not, you have to set different Group preferences.  Do this by creating a new preference from Edit > Options > Index > New of CR_allow_alternate_procedures (scope of group).  In order to create a group preference, you must be a Group Administrator (setting for each user in the Organization application) and logged into that specific group.
    Once all this is done the user will only see the workflows he is allowed to process.

    Friday, April 5, 2013


    Here are some serial Keys for the Latest version if Internet Download Manager out there~

    Serial Keys: 